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Hello members!

This will be a short post about the new board of 2017!

Today at the autumn meeting the new president and board was chosen, so without further ado, your Board of Britannica 2017 is...

Supreme lord (a.k.a. president)

Jannika Siimelä

ruling over her subjects (a.k.a. board members)

Ida Nyberg

Sara Hänninen

Markus Finell

Isabella Strandén

As you can see, if you can count (I mean we study English, right?), there are only five people in the board and the maximum allowed is seven, so if you are interested in organizing events/parties, hanging with friends, etc. YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO BE IN THE BOARD OF NEXT YEAR! We have extended the "I am interest" period to the end of this year so if you still haven't made up your mind, you have time to think about it.

If you are interested or come to the conclusion that you want to be apart of this funtastic board, EMAIL US at or contact a current board member!

We really hope there are some eager people out there ready to show of their talents or non-talents! (seriously, this "job" requires no skills whatsoever).

Peace out,

retiring Board of 2016

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